Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Going Nowhere...

so after changing this blog's background like 8 times, we shall get back to business.

okay, i'm not sure if i've even gone anywhere in the ideation process... but so far i've been reading a book called Space and Place: the perspective of experience which has been helpful in starting a framework for research. with the initial suggestions of presenting depth, wonder, and enlightenment in a medium that can cause people to reflect/be influenced by it... i am looking further into human experience as a whole and how it is subject to space/place, emotion, and cognitive thought.

random notations...(this is very convoluted)
starting with space/place:
centers of felt value where biological needs are satisfied
what begins as undifferentiated space becomes place as we know it better and endow it with value
knowing a place: direct (experience) or indirect (learning about it)

then on to emotion/thought/experience:
emotion + thought are our two ways of knowing, how we develop experience
emotion + thought, thereby not being separate, but additive in value
our senses change our experience of the world–a soundless space feels calm and lifeless despite visual activity

then it reminded me of what someone said to me before:
"the two most difficult things for human beings to grasp are infinity & nothingness"
which was akin to a line in that book where he says "vastness is never directly perceived, the mind frequently extrapolates beyond sensory evidence." which made me think back to the project...
-what else do we assume about our environment?
-how does this cause us to be misinformed about/miss entirely?
-do we oversimplify or overcomplicate our environments?

leading to...
-what makes you feel for a place/what makes it significant?
-what mediums/environments to we occupy now, and how can they be used to inspire change/create perspective
-how can this information about spaces, the emotional content of places, and ways we experience these things benefit the project?
-how do spaces and spatial relations make you; feel sh*t, know anything?

i feel that i have pieces of something but am ill-prepared to put them together. i have a headache. but here's CSS with a cover of grizzly bear's 'knife'. please enjoy.

also, here are some images from the landsat 7 satellite layered with an infra-red imaging system (i think)


Stuart Mounsey said...

heyyyyy Maggie,

sounds like quite the project!!! I think it has potential to be really cool and profound in it's own right, but could also have you chasing around fleeting thoughts and ideas all semester without being able to ground any of it. Of course that could be fun too, but I think if you are able to narrow things down into something small and succinct at the beginning you'll have the framework for the earlier of the two scenarios.

The way I see your project from what you've posted is that it's very much about paradigm shifts specific to our physical existence and environment.

Do you want to trigger these types of leaps in understanding, or explore them with your project? I think that because of the subjects very nature your project is potentially endless.

You could perhaps try and take a very poetic approach to it and be able to distill all these vast ideas into a simple access point, or trigger for greater enlightenment.

I'm not sure if you know him since you didn't do foundation, but John Wertschek is a foundtion creative process and photo teacher who is super smart and very much into this sort of stuff. It might be worth dropping by his office and talking to him about your ideas. He always talks in riddles, but stresses taking nothing for granted as it merely appears based on our ingrained preconceptions. A poem we discussed in his class was "the red wheelbarrow",


which I think touches on some of the things you're looking at in a very simple way.

Another good reference which I just saw the other day is a video by Ed Rondthaler about how fucked up the English language is. here's where I found it and the video link is near the end of the paragraph.


I know there's many fascinating aspects of what you're looking into, but try to narrow down to one really simple thing right away and start exploring how you could communicate/express that in as simple a way as possible. This will give you a stable grounding and framework to then start to expand on within a set framework or at least give you a little more direction and confidence.

Just don't do a project like this:


...unless you can time travel back to the nineties where it will be a hit.

sorry if I went on a bit, but I love this sort of stuff and I've not had much of a chance to talk about the above or its like in the Okanagan.

Unknown said...

Hi Stu!

Maggie I talk to you like every day anyway, in the flesh, so I have nothing useful to contribute here. But with each comment your blog gets cooler, so here's a comment.

Unknown said...

Actually scrap that, I think you should just focus on Large Hadron Collider raps, since you know, we're all going to die soon.

Unknown said...

i'm with andy on the large hadron collider raps.
now just figure out a way to rhyme CERN with kern, and you'll be all set.